Benjamin Tiberius Adler
Rune Bosse
Andre Bagh
Philipp Benkert
Constanze Budcke
Maria Chekina
Camill von Egloffstein
Nezaket Ekici
Ilinca Fechete
Miriam Ferstl
Lea Grebe
Oliver Haussmann
Maria Justus
Nele Kakaktopus
Mariella Kerscher
Peter Langenhahn
Jeamin Lee
Patricia Lincke
Florian Clemens Meier
Stephanie movall
Paula Niño
Juliana Nozomi
Eduardo Palomares + Sara Mayoral
Rosanna Marie Pondorf
Ludwig Stalla / Yanna Thönnes
Lucy Lou Reynolds
Boris Saccone
Nata Togliatti
Janina Totzauer
Tatjana Vall
Guido Weggenmann
Stefanie Winter
Esther Zahel
Online Release 2nd edition: HTSSNASS:S Collection 2021
Check out: howtosurvivesuperniceandsupersexy.shop
Living in a dying world. How do we live, how do we survive.
The second edition HTSSNASS:S COLLECTION 2021 deals with the question of self-empowerment. What resources, ideas, thoughts and ways did you figure out in dealing with crises? Especially in the face of climate catastrophes. Forest fires, floods, plagues of locusts: while the world was battling the virus, all continents were also affected by devastating ecological disasters. Environment refers to something with which a living being (or something that is treated analogously to a living being) has a causal relationship. We are constantly connected to what surrounds us. But our world is changing and running on fumes. Neo-cyborgs, connected to everything and at all times, but what kind of connection do we still have with ourselves and the creatures we threaten? For a long time, hegemonies of hypercapitalism determine and control our lives with numerous supposed promises of a fulfilled life. Material and immaterial exchange ensures survival, right? Really? We feel lost, but we don't want to see it all go down. To put it briefly we are all in the same boat and in the end it is up to us to find strategies to survive and preserve the living creation around us. Which self-empowerment strategies can we develop with which we can protect ourselves and mother earth from the omnivorous force of the mighty?
Das Projekt www.howtosurvivesuperniceandsupersexy.shop zeigt eine hybride, sich stets erweiternde Sammlung an Handlungsanweisungen in Zeiten von Krisen und stellt diese zum freien Download zur Verfügung. Die “HTSSNASS:S Collection“ ist ihre analoge Printversion, die jährlich in limitierter Auflage erscheint. Im Nov´21 werden die Printpublikationen HTSSNASS:S Collection 2020+2021 zu SuperBOOKS im Haus der Kunst releast - im Rahmen der Kooperation Typographie-Workshop der AdBK und dem Haus der Kunst.
Vorwort von Amrei Heyne.
Kuratiert von Nata Togliatti.
HTSSNASS:S Collection 2021 herausgegeben von: Constanze Budcke, Oliver Haussmann, Nata Togliatti, Nele Ka.
Projekt initiiert von Nele Ka.
Gefördert von Kooperation Martin Schmidl, AdBK & Sabine Brantl Haus der Kunst.