The Isle of Dry Angles

Wednesday 21th of July from 4 pm

The Isle of Dry Angles: park & advertising column, Nordendstraße / Barerstraße

Exhibition I Performance I Snacks




Andre Bagh, Constanze Budcke, Yuchu Gao, Johanna Gonschorek, Stefan Holzmair, Bokyoung Jeong, Anna Lena Keller, Frida Kato, Barbara Posch, Laia Martí Puig, Rebecca Ruchti, Gloria Sogl, Ayaka Terajima, Banyu Wang, Haha Wang, Sun Zhenyu 


Exclusivity, esprit, genius loci of a unique neighborhood; but Maxvorstadt has so much more to offer:

The Eternally Feminine, The Extraterrestrial, The Trinitarian – The Isle of Dry Angles surprises with versatility and punktueller Multifunktion. It reveals unique possibilities for your bespoke public urination experience: full satisfaction, not only for the four but also the two legged. Find out whether you can pee online. Get your individual consultation on site or be inspired by an exclusive Katzenstreu performance. Wir werden diese Insel schon trocken kiegen, zur Not mit Internet Magic. 

The Isle of Dry Angles takes the significance of your intérieur seriously and interrogates the potential of the triangle through its material facilities. Sit with us and enjoy the alliance! The IDA does everything to enable even the impossible and will welcome visitors with a pixel picknick including modest delights, such as very heavy Ferrero Rocher, even when the production’s summer break does not allow for it elsewhere... 


Performance Program:

3 - 6 pm: Yuchu Gao, Frida Kato & Haha Wang, Territory Marker, brochure distribution (also Saturday 17.7. 2021: 3 pm - 4pm, Altbau AdBK)

Ongoing from 4 - 6.30 pm: Rebecca Ruchti, O, performed by Lisbet Hampe

At sunset: Constanze Budcke & Gloria Sogl, Its enough to make a cat laugh, Videoprojektion, Bentonit, Calciumsilikathydrat, Holz- und Pflanzenfasern, Recyclingzellstoff, Kalk, Quarzsand

9.30 pm: Barbara Posch. Reading clicktext. Am Ausguss der Form., reading, approx. 45 min.

Tba: Wes Anderson, Isle of Dogs, film screening